Read the detailed rules of the game here (if you really need to...)
Select game mode:
Play Solo with computer as the 2nd player
2 Players taking their turns alternately
4 Players taking their turns sequentially
Click on the Start Button to start the game
Players take turns clicking on the die to roll a number (1-6)
Follow the instructions as per the message displayed on top of the board after every roll
Player 1 ( Donatello) gets the first roll
To move a piece out of the starting area, a player must roll a SIX
Once their pieces are on the starting square, players move their pieces according to the number rolled on the die
If a player rolls a six, they get an extra turn (rolling SIX 3 times in a row will cause you to lose that turn)
If you are playing solo, computer (Leonardo) will automatically take its turn
Land in a square with a single piece of another player to send the landed piece back to depot (and get a bonus turn)
Pieces travel around the board and enter their home pathway and reach home
First player to move all 4 pieces home, becomes the Ludo Master
Easter Egg: A play/pause button that plays (and then pauses as well) the theme music from TMNT cartoon (1987) (00:58). Find it and enjoy the music!!
Detailed Rules/Instructions
Game Setup
A Ludo board is split into 4 arms. Each arm has 3 columns of squares where the outer columns are part of the main pathway and the center,('home pathway',) is the same color as one of the player’s depot
You have 4 pieces each to play with inside your depot
First Moves
Roll a 6 on the die to move a piece out of your depot to 'starting square' to make it an "active piece"
If you roll a 1-5, your turn ends without moving a piece
Any time you roll a 6, you earn a bonus roll.
After any time you roll a 6, on your bonus roll, if you roll another 6, you get another bonus roll.
If you roll three 6s in a row, then you lose your roll and your turn ends
Once you move a piece after rolling any number besides a 6, your turn ends
When you roll a 1–5, move the piece on the starting square that number of squares clockwise around the board’s main pathway
Roll the die to move a piece during each of your turns
Any time you roll a 6, you have the option to move a piece out of your depot onto the main pathway or move a different piece around the board
Land in a square with an opponent's single piece for a 'Knock Off Bonus' and to send it back to their depot. You will get a bonus turn and they will need to roll 6 to make that same piece active again
If you are landing in a square where there are 2 or more pieces then, your piece can move and cohabit that square
If a square has a total of 4 pieces, then it is 'blocked' and can't accomodate any more pieces
If your move is landing you on a blocked square, you can't make that move and if you don't have any other active piece then you lose your turn
Win Conditions
Move your pieces into your home pathway once you go around the board
Only pieces that match the color of the home pathway are allowed to move into them
Once you move a piece into the home pathway, it can’t be 'Knocked Off' by any other players
Roll the exact number you need to get pieces into the home square. If you roll a lower number, you’re still able to move that many squares forward, but if you roll higher, you must choose a different piece to move
Win the game by moving all 4 of your pieces to the 'Home Square' before your opponents